Inner Child Healing through The Tarot (Self-Paced Course)


A self-paced course including two in-depth videos, bonus class materials, and a tarot spread workbook.

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About the Course 

Inner Child Work IS Shadow work. That’s what working with hundreds of clients & doing my own inner-child processing has taught me. 

While our inner child parts remain stuck, in the dark, or exiled—we may also feel an intense stagnation in our present-day lives. Indecision, feeling lost, and the general feeling of being stuck in a pattern or cycle…what if I told you all of those experiences were unconscious pieces of your inner child? 

And what if I told you that Tarot can help us connect to those pieces, meet our needs in a new way, and help us move forward again? 

As your teacher, I’m honoured to guide you through the process of meeting & communing with the parts of your inner-self that have been unintentionally forgotten or pushed into the dark. When we actually learn to commune with & meet the needs of our inner child—that’s when our lives start to wholly transform. We learn what self-care actually means to us, we are able to distinguish between inner-child fears vs. adult-self wisdom, AND we simply begin to live in a bigger way. 

I’m so ready to go on this inner-child journey with you AND show you how the Tarot can be one of our biggest allies in the process. Ready to join in? 

Course Contents 

Video 1: Intro To Inner Child Work (1 hour) 

Alright—you’ve heard the phrase “inner child work” and “parts work” a million times, but what do those terms actually mean? Let’s go back to basics, examine the origin of the phrase “working with our parts,” and why “shadow work” may actually just be the act of forming a relationship with our inner children (spoiler alert—you have more than one inner child). Mal also gives her take on the Internal Family Systems model, originally developed by psychologist Richard Schwartz. 

Video 2: Using the Tarot to Get In Touch With Our Inner Child & Adult Selves (1 hour)  

Now, let’s get into the juicy stuff. Mal’s inner-child-tarot theory begins with 4 very important cards—THE PAGES. We’ll discuss how The Pages (and the Knights) can be seen as parts of our inner child, and how to see them through the lens of parts work. Mal will take you through a 4-step process which allows you to connect with yourself, your deck, and see yourself in the Pages / Knights. 

As for the rest of the deck—that’s your Adult Self speaking. Mal takes you through reading examples for 3 hypothetical clients, so you can get the hang of how to see the other cards as the loving, wise Adult Self. Don’t worry, this will all click a lot more once you get your eyes on the video. 

Additional Class Materials 

  1. The Collaborative Adult-Self Guidebook: This google-doc will be shared between all class participants, and we can write about our experiences with seeing our Adult Selves within the cards. AND create the most epic collaborative guidebook + group journal entry to ever exist. 

  1. THE PAGES Mini-Guidebook

  2. Meet Your Inner Child Meditation 

  3. Inner Child Tarot Spread Workbook